START-019 | NTR after returning from a location shoot in a shared room. A weather girl who couldn't go home due to heavy snow continued to be developed by a sly middle-aged director's sticky power harrassment. Nagisa Koio

START-019 | NTR after returning from a location shoot in a shared room. A weather girl who couldn't go home due to heavy snow continued to be developed by a sly middle-aged director's sticky power harrassment. Nagisa Koio
Label: SOD star
Director: Ryo Inugami
Studio: SOD Create

Renio Nagisa, a new weather caster, and the filming staff come to a local location and suddenly have to stay at a local hotel due to heavy snowfall. However, all the hotels are full and the worst room is with a middle-aged director who seems to be sarcastic... A man who is usually an overbearing power harasser towards Nagisa. While threatening to withdraw from the show, he began to press for a physical relationship and engaged in violent fornication. I take advantage of his position and play with his body all night...


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