JUQ-676 | Delivery designated NTR *Delivery in the morning*, but the courier always comes in the afternoon when only my wife is there... Nodoka Aragaki

JUQ-676 | Delivery designated NTR *Delivery in the morning*, but the courier always comes in the afternoon when only my wife is there... Nodoka Aragaki
Label: Madonna
Director: Hiroyuki Kimura

My husband and I often use mail order. Having a courier service that can deliver anything to your home is essential. In particular, I always scheduled it in the morning so that I could receive it before going to work. However, recently it has stopped arriving as specified. It arrived in the afternoon when I was at work and only my wife, Nodoka, was there. When I inquired, it was confirmed that the delivery was completed on time... I began to doubt. Come to think of it, when I complain about the delivery company, my wife covers it up for some reason. Feeling anxious, I set up a hidden camera in my room, even though I didn't think anything like that was going to happen.


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